3 Powerful Lessons from Footprints in the Snow

impact lessons preaching Dec 12, 2018

There are three powerful lessons in the snow about effective preaching/teaching. And because of these lessons, you must spend the time! Do the work! IT'S WORTH IT.

Please watch the video to see what the snow teaches us about giving our very best every time we present God's truths. If we are not careful, when we prepare to speak or preach, we can focus on the hard work. And it IS hard work. Anything good takes time and effort. But, if you focus on that, you will never adequately prepare.

Instead focus on the impact:

First there is the impact in the lives of those who hear, and change, and if you do your job as God has called you to, that impact will last for a long time.

Second, those who change will be a witness to all those who surround them and that witness will change more lives.

Third, there will be those who want to follow in your footsteps, delivering truth from God's Word in such a way that it impact lives. As you prepare, remember you are paving the way for other world changers.

So never allow hard work to cause you to back down or to settle for something less than what you were created to do.



Dr. Vance Hardisty

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