Be the visionary! Refuse to be average!

leadership refusetobeaverage visionary Jan 09, 2019

Be the visionary!  Refuse to be average!  People need you to go to the edge of the cliff, then call them out to see what an incredible life they could have if they would take the risk.

A visionary does not see things the way they were.  Anyone can do that.  A visionary does not see things as they could be.  That is an encourager.  Some people will say that a visionary sees things as they could be.  Not so.  A visionary see things as they ARE.  They believe so strongly in what they know, that their vision propels people to be far more than they ever dreamed they could be.

Is a visionary a wishful thinker?  Hardly.  A visionary sees the future differently than others do for three primary reasons:

1.  A visionary KNOWS who God is, how magnificent He is and what He can do through anyone.

2.  A visionary KNOWS the potential of each person with whom he/she speaks is far greater than what they have yet lived up to.

3.  A visionary KNOWS the resources that surround the average person, that the average person does not see, and realizes that accessing those resources will move them exponentially further along the path.

So, refuse to settle.  Refuse to be average.  Refuse to be like the crowd.  Be the visionary that God has called you to be and let that role change the people that God places in your path.


Dr. Vance


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