Creativity surprises people INTO attention

boring chaplains creativity creativityskills pastors surprise teachers Sep 05, 2018

Pastors, Teachers - It is too easy to settle into the familiar with our presentations.  Same basic message, same basic stance, tone of voice, position on stage, beginning and ending - all the same - week after week, year after year.  

Though our people will be gracious and some will listen, we take the risk of losing many, especially teens.  As humans, our brains crave surprise, newness, the unknown.  It is what stimulates us to pay attention, to hear where we don't normally hear, to see with different eyes.  

That is the role of creativity, and it is a MUST for those of us who present the Word of God.  If people don't remember what we say, then why are we speaking?

Creativity jars our audience OUT of the mundane and surprises them INTO attention. Here are three simple ways you can be creative.

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