These 4 things can PREVENT you from being a GREAT LEADER

communication influence leadership leadershiptraps Feb 05, 2019

Often, because of the noise and confusion of life, we miss the 4 issues that can derail our leadership and ability to communicate. 

These 4 things are difficult for us to see in ourselves.  In fact, if you really want to know if you have them, you need to have the courage to ask those closest to you whether they see any of these 4 in you.

I know that I struggled when I heard that several of these were in my life.  It was frustrating.  I wanted to think I was better.  But that thinking only delayed my dealing with the issues and prevented me from being the man God called me to be.  

Don't make the mistake I made.  Write these 4 issues down.  Take them to your spouse or a best friend and ask them to be honest with you.  If they say one or more of these are in your life, then tell them and the Lord you want to change.  Ask them to hold you accountable, every time they see one of these beginning to show up.  Then determine that you will no longer allow any of these to ruin the person that God called you to be.


Dr. Vance

Dr. Vance Hardisty

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