In-depth training so your message impacts lives!

impact remember repeat training Apr 18, 2019

If you really want to impact the people to whom you speak, then you will want to watch this video.

I thought I'd do something special for you. This is a training video that will teach you just exactly how to capture your audience's attention, so much so that they talk about what you taught them after you are done, remember the message and want it to change their lives.

Isn't that why we do what we do?  Ultimately, it is so that people's lives are changed.  But that can't happen unless they remember what we say, and that won't happen unless we present it in such a way that God can use it.  (Yes, God can use anyone and anything for His glory, but most of the time he counts on us to do the best with what He has given us!)

So, please accept this video as my gift to you!


Dr. Vance

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