Renewal International Update! God is doing GREAT things!

renewal international update May 29, 2020

Our world has been impacted dramatically with the Covid-19 virus.  Yet, God is using this tragedy to further His Kingdom.  Here are just three areas where Renewal International is seeing dramatic impact:

1.  The requests for internet meetings and presentations has skyrocketed.  Just today I taught online to what looks thousands of people in over 15 countries.  I teach again tomorrow.

2.  I have been able to finish our Godly Marriage seminar in record time, increasing content from a mere 33 pages to 175 pages.  This will give us the basis to teach pastors and train trainers around the globe.

3.  We have been able to come alongside 100's of pastors who have little money and were on the brink of starvation, providing them and their church members with food and medicines.


Dr. Vance

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