Why do people change? Emotion, not intellect.

change decisionmaking discipline feelings lifechange pastors story teachers Aug 21, 2018

When we preach the word of God we do so most often appealing to the intellect of our audience.  We want them to study, II Timothy 2:15, reason, Acts 17:2 and then make a decision for change, either to stop doing something wrong they are doing or start doing something good that they aren't doing.  

And yet there was a reason why Jesus used story telling constantly in his ministry.  Jesus knew that while he could give people reasons, which he did, they would not make decisions until they "felt" like it, or until their emotions were involved.  As a result, he used stories, the greatest tool for tapping into people's emotions.

A few years ago, neuroscientist, Antonio Demasio, made a groundbreaking discovery. He studied people with damage in the part of the brain where emotions are generated. While they seemed normal in most instances, they were not able to feel emotions. As a result, they all had something peculiar in common: they struggled to make decisions. They could describe what they should be doing in logical terms, but they found it difficult. almost impossible, to make even simple decisions.

Use the power of story to pull out the emotions necessary to help your people make life changing decisions.



Dr. Vance Hardisty

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