

We empower indigenous leaders to replicate themselves so this work
will go on for generations.

Join the Fight



We empower indigenous leaders to replicate themselves so this work will go on for generations.

Join the Fight


Every leader or organization that wants to work with us goes through a multi-step filter process to be selected. Once selected, the filtering process continues ensuring that we have the best leaders. Over time these leaders are equipped to train, inspire and empower the next group of leaders so that this is truly an indigenous led movement.


Every leader or organization that wants to work with us goes through a multi-step filter process to be selected. Once selected, the filtering process continues ensuring that we have the best leaders. Over time these leaders are equipped to train, inspire and empower the next group of leaders so that this is truly an indigenous led movement.

Here is our process


In every training seminar, a few leaders rise to the surface as they see a vision for their region, country and continent.


As we become aware of these leaders, we seek God’s leading, carefully looking into each person’s life.


If the Lord is leading, we partner with them on several projects, each one requiring greater responsibility.

Individual Partnership

Those who prove faithful and diligent, are trained to train. First they teach with us, then they teach on their own, then they train others to teach.


Because they are working with the poorest, we help with travel, food and printed materials until they become self sustaining.

Giving Back

Faithful indigenous leaders are sought out for their input on cultural, political and familial issues so that training in their region can best meet local needs.  

Giving Back

Faithful indigenous leaders are sought out for their input on cultural, political and familial issues so that training in their region can best meet local needs.  

Organizational Partnership

Relationships with organizations and governments are welcomed as leaders see long term, positive, community impact. They know that strong countries and sustainable prosperity cannot exist without healthy families.

The testimony below came three years after she attended the seminar on How to Raise Godly Children. Most people forget a seminar in three days or three months. This is still impacting her and all the people she teaches three years later!

"Thanks for the encouragement you gave to me on how to raise godly children. I have assisted many children in my church, schools and also in village, giving counseling to people who have lost their jobs. I want to say thanks because during that day of training I had lost my job, I had a lot of stress but through that counseling, I know how to overcome challenges in this world, Thanks, God bless you!"
- Josephine Mutio, Kenya

“My wife filed for divorce last year and moved out of the house. She had a lawyer; I didn't. I only had God. The judge would not rule for a no-fault divorce. I came to the conference trusting God. As Dr. Vance was sharing on the first session on Saturday, I copied the link on Facebook and sent it to her, believing that she will watch. At the end of the conference. I got a call from my mother saying my wife is at home with all of her things crying and asking for forgiveness. This can only be God.”

- Pastor Mpho Zola, South Africa

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“My wife filed for divorce last year and moved out of the house. She had a lawyer; I didn't. I only had God. The judge would not rule for a no-fault divorce. I came to the conference trusting God. As Dr. Vance was sharing on the first session on Saturday, I copied the link on Facebook and sent it to her, believing that she will watch. At the end of the conference. I got a call from my mother saying my wife is at home with all of her things crying and asking for forgiveness. This can only be God.”

- Pastor Mpho Zola, South Africa

© 2024 Dr. Vance Hardisty

Renewal International is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Federal ID # 26-7169710.
All donations in the United States are tax-deductible in full if no goods or services are received in exchange.