

Training pastors with little education and few finances is where our work begins.

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Training pastors with little education and few finances is where our work begins.

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Why pastors?

We believe that pastors are on the front lines of the spiritual battle to defeat the church. When a pastor’s personal walk with God is crippled, his marriage is struggling and his children do not follow the Savior, then the message that he/she teaches is compromised. We help them heal personally, while providing them with all our materials, in their own language, so that they can return to their churches and communities and help others heal.

Why pastors?

We believe that pastors are on the front lines of the spiritual battle to defeat the church. When a pastor’s personal walk with God is crippled, his marriage is struggling and his children do not follow the Savior, then the message that he/she teaches is compromised. We help them heal personally, while providing them with all our materials, in their own language, so that they can return to their churches and communities and help others heal.

“When I got a call from the coordinator, I asked why this seminar was different from others. He said, ‘Dr. Vance doesn't only address the problem and give practical steps, but he teaches marriage with godly principles.’ I didn't tell him that my wife and I had filed for divorce. I asked my wife if we can get one more help from a professional marriage speaker from the U.S. For some reason, she said yes. I booked our flight tickets immediately and we were together again for the first time in a year.

But as the seminar started on Friday, Dr. Vance started touching the very things that had destroyed our home, all we could do was to keep looking at each other. Saturday the 5th of December 2020, the second session with Dr. Vance and Julie became the beginning of our marriage restoration. We saw all the devil had done to our marriage as they both were teaching. I took the courage to walk my wife outside and asked for her forgiveness.

Immediately after that session, my marriage was restored. As we travelled back home, we have found love all over again and today, we have put an end to our divorce.

Thank you, Dr. Vance, for allowing God to use you this way. May God Bless You and your ministry.”

- Pastor A. Anthony, South Africa

“When I got a call from the coordinator, I asked why this seminar was different from others. He said, ‘Dr. Vance doesn't only address the problem and give practical steps, but he teaches marriage with godly principles.’ I didn't tell him that my wife and I had filed for divorce. I asked my wife if we can get one more help from a professional marriage speaker from the U.S. For some reason, she said yes. I booked our flight tickets immediately and we were together again for the first time in a year.

But as the seminar started on Friday, Dr. Vance started touching the very things that had destroyed our home, all we could do was to keep looking at each other. Saturday the 5th of December 2020, the second session with Dr. Vance and Julie became the beginning of our marriage restoration. We saw all the devil had done to our marriage as they both were teaching. I took the courage to walk my wife outside and asked for her forgiveness.

Immediately after that session, my marriage was restored. As we travelled back home, we have found love all over again and today, we have put an end to our divorce.

Thank you, Dr. Vance, for allowing God to use you this way. May God Bless You and your ministry.”

- Pastor A. Anthony, South Africa

Why these pastors?

Pastors with little education and few finances are usually located in the rural and poorest areas of their country. They are uneducated because they cannot afford schooling or travel. Because their communities are smaller, they are known and have influence. When we bring training and materials to them at no cost, it is deeply appreciated, readily received, immediately applied, and widely disseminated. Our material doesn’t sit on the shelf, competing for attention with numerous other seminars. It is like rain after a long period of drought. People rejoice and put it into practice immediately.

“Thank you so much, man of God. Ever since I attended your teachings through Zoom and the videos on Godly Marriage and encouragement you have been sending me, I must admit that so many changes have happened in my marriage. My marriage will never be the same again. The improved relationship between me and my wife have attracted so many couples to come seek counseling whenever they have marital problems. Dr. Vance, thank you once again and God bless you.”

- Pastor Fred Musa, Kenya

“Thank you so much, man of God. Ever since I attended your teachings through Zoom and the videos on Godly Marriage and encouragement you have been sending me, I must admit that so many changes have happened in my marriage. My marriage will never be the same again. The improved relationship between me and my wife have attracted so many couples to come seek counseling whenever they have marital problems. Dr. Vance, thank you once again and God bless you.”

- Pastor Fred Musa, Kenya

How many of these pastors?

10,000,000. Our goal is to train 10,000,000 pastors. Why? Every pastor who is trained is inspired with the vision of taking this material to their own people and beyond.  If the average pastor teaches just 100 people, then every time we train a pastor, our work is multiplied 100 times or 10,000%. Reaching 10,000,000 pastors means impacting 1 billion people.

A big goal? Of course! But why not! We serve a universe creating God!

Why are pastors so effective?

Pastors in small, rural communities are usually trusted and respected leaders. When they teach truth that changes lives, marriages and families, people flock to them to find out more.

“Since the conference, my marriage has changed. I used to say negative things about my wife, but I repented. Now, there's peace in our family. I have also taught in the church I lead and cases of violence have decreased. I thank God for that. Please send me more material, so that I can teach the church."

- Pastor Thomas Musumba, Kenya

First, no one is doing what we are doing

Our approach is unique.

We provide all our materials in the pastor’s own language for three reasons:

- so it is clearly understood

- so they can use the material to teach their own church

- so the training spreads and becomes indigenous driven and led.

We know that once equipped, they can do a better job at reaching their people than we can.

Second, no one is following up like we are

Our process is unique.

Follow up: After every seminar, we follow up with support and encouragement material twice a week for one full year using audio, video and print.  These videos are specifically designed to give one or two ideas to practice each week.

Mentoring: Personnel are trained in each country who can provide personal follow up, biblical counseling and further training.  This assures us of greater impact in each life and family.

Practice: At 3, 6 and 12 months following the initial conference, we follow up with a questionnaire to determine how much each person has applied what they have learned.

Empowerment: As leaders distinguish themselves by spontaneously training and teaching nationally or internationally, we partner with them giving them whatever support they need so that they can eventually continue their efforts independently.

Third, no one is teaching what we are teaching

Our material is unique.

This is not American, Chinese, African, Indian or any other culture’s philosophy.  This is truth directly from the Word of God.  It is applicable to every people, every culture and every language.  As a result, audiences in every nation are stunned.  They have never heard marriage and family teaching like this.  It is bold, powerful, culturally-appropriate, high impact and life changing, and often anti-cultural - just the way God intended.

Nyirandayisimiye Cloudine
is a community organizer
who attended our seminar in Rwanda.  

“I’m very happy and thankful to the Lord for this conference.
We have had so many conferences but none focused on
godly marriages. This is the first one ever. 

What a blessing to our country!  While many are suffering 
in their marriages, these teachings are a game changer.
Please come again and  teach the whole country,
in schools, prisons, and churches. May the Lord bless you

Nyirandayisimiye Cloudine is a Government Social Family Affairs Secretary sent personally by the President of Rwanda.

“I’m very happy and thankful to the Lord for this conference. We have had so many conferences but none focused on godly marriages. This is the first one ever.

What a blessing to our country! While many are suffering in their marriages, these teachings are a game changer. Please come again and teach the whole country, in schools, prisons, and churches. May the Lord bless you.”

We are the only training group we know of throughout a vast majority of the underdeveloped world that provides this type of training in marriage and child rearing.


Over and over we have heard people say:  

“We have never heard this before!”  

“Others are teaching about marriage and family, but no one teaches directly from the Word of God.” 

 “No one has the courage to teach what you are teaching.” 

“I have not been able to support my family or spend quality time with  them since I am always drinking with my friends at the bar.  My wife left me and even called me to initiate a divorce.

When I heard the teachings of Godly marriage and receiving the booklets of Dr. Vance teachings, I was very emotional and shed tears, praying and asked God for forgiveness. I went to see my wife to ask her for forgiveness since I now have a changed mind and I will never leave her again to struggle alone. I told her God changed my mind after hearing the Godly marriage teachings.  She forgave me went with me to a second seminar on Godly marriage.  We agreed to start a new life trusting in God for His provisions. I am still thirsty for more of these teachings and encouragement.”

- Dennis Okinyi, Kenya

“As I share this testimony today, it’s with thanks to you, Dr. Vance, 
for all your teachings during this seminar. For over two years now, 
there is no peace in our home. Our marriage has gone from 
good to bad. I cry in bed every night, hoping for that day 
God will step in and change this situation, but today, I cry with joy.

Not only did your teaching resolve all our issues, but I got to see 
my husband on his knees saying, “Forgive me, sweetheart, 
for all the pains I have caused you.’

Thank you And thank you again.”

- Ene Johnson, South Africa

“As I share this testimony today, it’s with thanks to you, Dr. Vance,for all your teachings during this seminar, I cry in bed every night, hoping for that day God will step in and change this situation, but today, I cry with joy. For over two years now,there is no peace in our home. Our marriage has gone from good to bad.

Not only did your teaching resolve all our issues, but I got to seemy husband on his knees saying, “Forgive me, sweetheart,for all the pains I have caused you."

Thank you And thank you again.”

- Ene Johnson, South Africa

“I would like to share a powerful testimony from last week's Godly Marriage Seminar.   A couple attended the seminar facing family problems, including a pastor living in an illegal relationship with another believer. The situation had escalated to the point where the wife confronted the pastor, leading to threats on his life from the other woman involved.

In a state of despair and contemplating self-harm, the pastor attended our two-day seminar with the intention of finding solace before taking drastic measures.  However, during the Godly Marriage Seminar, he heard the message, confessed his mistakes, and re-committed his life to his wife. The seminar played a crucial role in helping him reunite with his wife, and he decided against the tragic choice he was contemplating.

This testimony is a testament to the impact of the work we are doing, and I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of this Kingdom ministry in building families.”

- Pastor Satyam Yellasiri, India

“Praise the Lord. The first thing that I have learned is forgiving your wife when you are very angry. I have beaten my wife many times out of anger. I felt very sad and realized my mistake. I have said that I will never beat her again. Secondly, I have learned to hold hands with my wife which I have never done before, and next, to hug her each day and apologize whenever there is a mistake done.”

- Name withheld, India

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© 2024 Dr. Vance Hardisty

Renewal International is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Federal ID # 26-7169710.
All donations in the United States are tax-deductible in full if no goods or services are received in exchange.