
The family is God’s vehicle
for reaching the world for Christ.

The family is under attack!

You can be a part of the solution!

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The family is God’s vehicle
for reaching the world for Christ.
The family is under attack!
You can be a part of the solution!
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What We Do


We bring healing to families by providing training in marriage, family and finances. Our training is biblical, practical, culturally-appropriate, and high impact.

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We inspire church and government leaders with a vision for healthy families.  We show them the generational impact that healthy families have, both locally and nationally.

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We encourage and equip leaders to share these truths with people we could never meet, in places we could never go and in languages we don’t speak. Long after we have been called home by God, this process of train, inspire and empower will continue unabated.

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We encourage and equip leaders to share these truths with people we could never meet, in places we could never go and in languages we don’t speak.Long after we have been called home by God, this process of train, inspire and empower will continue unabated.

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Our Work

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We fight every day to heal broken and fractured families.

The family is at the foundation of the church and of society. 
Our strategy is simple:  Train, Inspire and Empower.  

We “train” pastors with little education and few finances in rural areas of underdeveloped nations.  

We “inspire” them with what can happen in their own marriages, families, churches and communities.  

We “empower” them to train, inspire and empower others so that this becomes an indigenous movement.

Our Fight

“The phone rang. The call was from Uganda,  He told me he was a young pastor in his late twenties. Married with two kids.  As a young boy, enemy soldiers had killed almost everyone in his village.  When they found him hiding, they dragged him out and two soldiers pointed guns at his head.  They pretended to shoot him and walked away laughing, leaving him standing among the dead.  He had heard me teach and he was begging me to teach him and other pastors about marriage and how to raise children, because they had no examples growing up.”

- Dr. Vance Hardisty

“The phone rang. The call was from Uganda,  He told me he was a young pastor in his late twenties. Married with two kids.  As a young boy, enemy soldiers had killed almost everyone in his village.  When they found him hiding, they dragged him out and two soldiers pointed guns at his head.  They pretended to shoot him and walked away laughing, leaving him standing among the dead.  He had heard me teach and he was begging me to teach him and other pastors about marriage and how to raise children, because they had no examples growing up.”

- Dr. Vance Hardisty

This work is not an option. It is the only hope that the world has. The enemies’ goal is to bind people, marriages andchildren in lifestyles that cause misery and despair. Followers of Christ must demonstrate, by how they live, that escape from these troubles comes only through obedience to God’s Word. When they live out Godly Marriages and Raise Godly Children, then the world that surrounds them wants to know why and comes seeking answers. 

Though the teaching of God’s Word is often in opposition to cultural and societal norms and practices, we will not be deterred in sharing the truth. Why? Because God’s truth works. It brings healing, wholeness, joy and dignity. It restores marriages, families and brings life to communities and cultures.

This is not the rhetoric of a religious zealot. Hundreds of thousands of changed lives bear witness to these truths. Written and video testimonies filled with joy, continue to pour into our offices. Government officials, having witnessed the changes in the worst of areas and lives, now request that these truths be taught in schools and prisons. They tell us that this is what is needed to heal their country.
God’s truth brings hope like nothing else can!
This work is not an option. It is the only hope that the world has. The enemies’ goal is to bind people, marriages and children in lifestyles that cause misery and despair. Followers of Christ must demonstrate, by how they live, that escape from these troubles comes only through obedience to God’s Word. When they live out godly marriages and raise godly children, then the world that surrounds them wants to know why and comes seeking answers.

Though the teaching of God’s Word is often in opposition to cultural and societal norms and practices, we will not be deterred in sharing the truth. Why? Because God’s truth works. It brings healing, wholeness, joy and dignity. It restores marriages, families and brings life to communities and cultures.

This is not the rhetoric of a religious zealot. Hundreds of thousands of changed lives bear witness to these truths. Written and video testimonies filled with joy, continue to pour into our offices. Government officials, having witnessed the changes in the worst of areas and lives, now request that these truths be taught in schools and prisons.
They tell us that this is what is needed to heal their country.
God’s truth brings hope like nothing else can!

Being a Blessing - Preparing the Way for Pastors to Share the Gospel

Though our focus is on training pastors, we firmly believe: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” As a result, we partner with many of our pastors to bring help, hope and healing in tangible ways to the communities they serve so that people will be open to the gospel because of these acts of kindness.


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Being a Blessing - Preparing the Way
for Pastors to Share the Gospel

Though our focus is on training pastors, we firmly believe: “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” As a result, we partner with many of our pastors to bring help, hope and healing in tangible ways to the communities they serve so that people will be open to the gospel because of these acts of kindness.

Together We Can Bring
Healing to Broken and
Fractured Families,
Rescuing Communities
and Changing the
Course of Nations

Make an Impact

Together We Can Bring Healing to Broken and Fractured Families, Rescuing Communities and Changing the Course of Nations

Make an Impact

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© 2024 Dr. Vance Hardisty

Renewal International is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, Federal ID # 26-7169710.
All donations in the United States are tax-deductible in full if no goods or services are received in exchange.